WordPress is the popular CMS in our world and it is being used by millions of bloggers and webmasters. If you are one of them and looking for a way to bulk delete categories from your WordPress blog, you are in the right webpage as I have given a tutorial to bulk delete WordPress categories here.
When you have a small number of categories in your WordPress blog, you can delete them easily by selecting them all and clicking on the Delete button in the categories page. But, when you have a large number of categories (like 1000 or 2000 or more), you won’t be able to delete them all quickly using the default method. You will need to follow the simple trick given here to bulk delete the WordPress categories quickly and easily.
Bulk Delete Categories In WordPress

Tutorial To Bulk Delete Categories In WordPress:

1) To get started, login to your WordPress dashboard and visit the categories page by following this path: Posts -> Categories.
Categories In WordPress Dashboard
2) Now, click on “Screen Options” in the top-right corner, enter “999” as the “Number of items per page” and click “Apply”.
Number of items per page Categories WordPress
3) Once you click “Apply” in Screen Options, the categories page will get refreshed and you will see 999 categories listed under the single page. Now, you can select them all and click on “Delete” to bulk delete them from your WordPress website or blog.
Bulk Delete WordPress Categories
That’s it. Now you have successfully delete large number of categories from your WordPress blog quickly and easily.
If you face any issues while following this simple procedure to bulk delete categories in WordPress, do let me know via comments.