Having a Internet connection opens you to large depository of knowledge. You might not completely aware of the power that Internet gives you. Thanks to smartphones, Virtually, we have unlimited source of information at our fingertips.
There are numerous websites on the internet that can make you smarter and more intelligent at no cost. Of Course, there are websites which can distract, you but if you want to utilize your time on the Internet, here is the list of sites that you must consider.

1.Quora.com :
You might not heard of it, but this site is among the most successful startups in year 2013. Quora’s mission is to share and grow world Knowledge. Its question-answer based site where people ask their questions and queries and get responses from expert. In fact, my this post is inspired by one of questions asked on this website. Simply, Quora is best source of knowledge. The good thing about Quora is that it contains questions are from all the fields like lifestyle, technology, travelling, cooking, internet and many more. Ask Anything and you will get the best answers to your questions. Also read the answers of the questions asked by other users. In short, Quoracontains great information and facts which are rarely available. You can also write blog posts about what you know. I fell in love with this site since I first visited it.

2. Duolingo.com:

An awesome language teaching site that teaches you some International Languages from scratch. Currently it supports only Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese and Dutch, but more will be added soon. The good thing about the site is it starts at beginner level and it is completely free. If you put little effort and are really interesting in learning a new language, in couple of months you can speak and write a new language. Learning with duolingo is fun and addictive. Dulingo app is available for both iOS andAndroid so that you can learn anytime.

3. Justinguitar.com:

You are definitely going to thanks me for this if you are fond of learning guitar.Justinguitar.com was started by Justin Sandercoe in 2003 and since then his website is visited by millions of people. His site provides hundreds of free quality guitar lessons. All lessons are in form of video so that you can easily learn playing guitar. This site provides the best way to learn guitar online and thousands music lovers already making the most of it.

4. Cookingforengineers.com:

Not only provides new recipes but also teach the way how to make them tastier. All the recipes are well written, photographed and very easy to understand. If you love cooking, this is the site to read.

5. Lumosity.com

A free online application to test your brain and achieve its full potential. It provides free brain testing, memory testing and logical reasoning exercises which refreshes your brain and makes you more smarter and sharper. It’s the web most popular scientifically designed training program and it is free. 

 6. Khanacademy.com

This site deserves a much higher place in this list because of its mission which aims at providing world class education to those who need it but cannot afford it. It is non-profit organization which provides world class education for everyone everywhere free of cost. It covers a wide variety of subjects like mathematics, science, economics, Arts and humanities and computer science. It also provide lectures for various test preparation like SAT, GMAT,IIT-JEE, MCAT, etc. 
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All the Khan academy’s educational content and material is available to everyone completely free of charge.

7. Freerice.com

Well, You might living in a developed country and has a modern lifestyle but there are many people out there who are still not getting enough food and suffering from hunger. Freerice helps to end hunger from world by providing rice to hungry people for free. It has multiple type quiz questions on wide variety of subjects and if you answer right, they donate 10 grains of rice through the World Food Programme. So you can improve your knowledge and provide some food to needy people at the same time. 

8. Ted.com

Collection of TED (Technology, Education and Design) talks in which experts addresses on wide variety of useful topics through small interval videos. It is like attending a world class seminar from home. 

9. Coursera.com

Do you ever dream of studying at world’s top universities? Now you can virtually fulfill this dream. Coursera.com provides online courses in collaboration with world’s best universities like University of California, The Hong Kong University of science and technology, Stanford University, University of Pittsburg, University of Tokyo, University of Michigan and many more. 

The approach used by coursera.com is very much similar to real classes. You learn by watching demonstrating videos, perform activities and assignment and then submit the assignments .On the basis of your assignments you get marks. The quality of content and material at this class matches the education quality at world level universities. Here are the some courses I am currently attending :
All these courses are available free of cost.

10. Nerdfitness.com

An ultimate site that helps stay in shape and provide valuable health tips. It provides very valuable information and case studies on how you can lose your weight. Feel like getting instructions from a professional sitting at home.

11. Codecademy.com

As Internet is expanding each day, there is more demand of web developersand programmers. At codeacademy you can learn the basics of code. You may not become a professional programmer immediately after following the tutorials but this site teaches you the right way to become an expert. Currently it provides classes and courses on web technologies like HTML, Javascript , jQuery, PHP, Ruby, WordPress, etc. 

12. Openculture.com

This site can be considered the repository of free online educational resources which include videos, tutorials, eBooks and audio books. It does not provide educational content itself but collects all the good learning material from all the sites(including the sites I mentioned above) and collaborate them so that you can access them at single place. 

13. geographyiq.com

A unique site which provides information about the major facts of all countries. Select a country either alphabetically or from map and access information likeGeography, People, Military, Communication, currency, Economy and so on. 

14. Instructables.com

A huge community which provide how-to-do step by step guides on almost everything – from some basic household tricks to high end tech tricks. 

15. Howstuffworks.com

If your hobby includes reading and you are curious about things, then this is the site for you to visit. How Stuff works – An online source of easy to understand explanations
 of how certain things actually works. From car engines to search engines, from cell phones to stem cells, and thousands of subjects in between, HowStuffWorks has it covered.
The list of such kind of websites is very long. I tried to cover only those which I found highly productive and useful. Do I Missed a great online resource? Share it with us by commenting below. Please share this post by using the social sharing buttons below so that everyone can know about these sites.